Friday, December 17, 2010

Bentley's FIVE MONTH Update!

I cannot believe it has been FIVE months - Baby B, the B-Man, Bentley Christopher, is FIVE MONTHS OLD!  Every day I am so thankful that he is in our lives...he is the happiest, most adorable, precious little man anyone could ask for.  I love him more than life itself.  He melts my heart every day. I couldn't pick just ONE here is the sequence of his "Today I am 5 months old" photo shoot...  
Happy Baby! 

Watching Ellen.

Destroying his sign. 

Destroying his sign with a better view of his morning "bed head."

 Spitting up on his sign.

All set with this.

And back to watching Ellen.

The latest to report since his four month update is that we've had his christening, as you've recently seen.  It was a big to-do and I spent WEEKS preparing and decorating the house.  It was a wonderful day with family & friends.  Again, I can't thank everyone enough.
He is getting more & more of a personality, and is quite the smiley little guy.  I can get him to smile in pics (not always but it works a lot of the time...) when I tell him "smile for Mommy" and give him a big smile - he smiles right back.  He's developing quite the voice and tells me lots of stories - I have no idea what they are about ;) but just hearing him "talk" is so fun.  He still HATES tummy time but we're keeping with it.  I am also happy to report that although we aren't into an exact routine YET, he is getting better with taking a daily nap in his crib - I'll take what I can get!

He's discovered his feet and we find him on his back all curled up playing with his feet or pulling his socks off.  He's also starting to get the concept of his binky - if you hold it out he'll take it from you and a lot of the time will bring it towards his mouth.  He doesn't always get it in the right position but he's starting to get the idea of what to do with it.  He has also started playing peek-a-boo...with himself.  He's been SO drooly (notice drool in pic below) so he wears a lot of bibs and he'll grab them and pull them up over his face, thinking its hilarious.  And one morning I heard him talking and gabbing in his crib so I peeked in and he was pulling a blanket up over his face and then back down...I caught him in the act holding it over his face and when he pulled it down and saw me there he laughed.  I LOVE that laugh!!!

He's starting to like his jumpy swing and bounce around in that for awhile.  And his Baby Einstein gym "thingy"...well he has a favorite toy on that thing, a bird that he likes to pull right even though he hates tummy time I'm not too worried about his arm strength. ;) (Notice the whole yellow plastic piece is unattached? That is thanks to his father's arm strength...)

He got a little stomach big this week and was yaking on Monday.  I knew something was off because he was awake more than usual and very fussy overnight.  Christopher gave him a bottle first thing Monday AM and the poor guy was so upset, well as soon as I took him he projectile vomited over my shoulder all over the bed...I've never seen Hurley move so fast - he was RIGHT in the line of fire!  The Dr. said there is a bug going around so after lots of pedialyte and fussiness he's getting better but not back in action quite yet.  So much for starting cereal this week!  But at our Drs. visit he weighed 16 lbs 3 oz so he is certainly growing!

He's getting very excited for Christmas (OK, I am getting excited for his first Christmas).   I think I've reported that he is easily distracted and likes to watch the TV when its on so I've been limiting my shows during the day so he doesn't watch too much, but Grampy made a DVD of a few of my favorite Christmas movies/cartoons so we watched that yesterday.  We have yet to watch the Grinch & It's a Wonderful Life, oh and White Christmas.  He's getting into the spirit...

We are having SO much fun with him, and sometimes when Daddy's around a little too much fun (just kidding...too much fun is not possible with the men in my life, they make me laugh every day...).  Here's what happens when Daddy's around...

**Notice hand in pants**

**This is his "stadium seating" on the couch while golf is on**

OH, and in the last few days he's started blowing raspberries (OK, that sounds really wrong but you know what I mean RIGHT?!!)...I really need to keep the bib supply at the max!



  1. Hi there,
    I came across your adorable blog and thought your little one's tummy time photo would be a great entry in Pathways Awareness' Holiday Tummy Time Baby Photo Contest.

    Three winners each receive a certificate, a $20 Starbucks gift card, and a photo mug with which to display their favorite photo.

    For more details and to enter, visit:

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Thanks so much - i'll take a look! Happy Holidays! Erin :)
