Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hunkering Down!

What the in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks does that even mean?!  To me, it sounds like we should be stocked with canned goods, flashlights, and just be eating & drinking our faces off.  Instead, we took the Christmas decorations down FINALLY.  I still have a lot of picking up and cleaning to do but the big stuff has been put away.  Other than that, we're just lounging around (although I do imagine a few cocktails will be had a little later).

Here's what the back yard looked like this morning - it was already about 12 inches or more I would guess, between 9-10 AM when I took this.  The early newscasts had counts of up to 14 inches already in Worcester. 

My wonderful hubby was up and at 'em this morning with the snowblower.  He did our driveway as well as a couple of our neighbors'.  But first things first, he always makes a running/bathroom path for Hurley...

Hurley loves the snow!  He always enjoys his path every storm and will run laps along it.

Sometimes he goes off the beaten trail though...

And here's the view from the upstairs back deck.  Hurley is actually somewhere in this photo so I'll leave it up to you to find him, as well as to determine what he's doing. ;) Hint: he's along the back edge of the yard.

It's still REALLY coming down.  I'm blogging as you can tell, Christopher is playing video games, Bentley is playing, and Hurley was upstairs taking a nap but our neighbor's son just asked if he could come out and play ~ so now he's tearing through the snow with the kids.  Although, he does have a new favorite spot and very much a little 'humanesque' mind of his own...

Hunker down (drink & eat?!) and have a snowy day!


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