Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fine Featherheads!

I'm really excited about this people - REALLY EXCITED!  Through a friend of a friend, I just discovered these little gems...

{**All photos above are courtesy of Fine Featherheads**}

They are called FINE FEATHERHEADS!  And FINE they are!  Well, I think so at least!  Click here to check out some of the other pictures in their photo gallery. 

My friend's friend got them in Portsmouth, NH so I did some investigating and found several salons that do them there, but that was really the closest place to me.  But I did find the name of a woman who will come to your home and do 'feather parties' ~ selling bundles of feathers as well as putting them in your hair.  I was on my way to planning a party whennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...I found out that my local spa/salon that I go to for everything except my actual haircut/color (been loyal to my hairdresser for 10+ years...) is going to start carrying them!  They are on order and will be only 15 minutes from me very soon!!!!

There are lots of colors to choose from but from the pics I've seen I really like the variety of natural ones. 

{**All photos above are courtesy of Fine Featherheads**}

There are pinks, purples, mints & greens, blues & turquoises, reds, yellows, & oranges...every color you could imagine.  Their website has a cute pic of a little girl who had a couple of pink ones put in her hair.  And on the not-so-cute side, there were some pictures of dogs with them in their hair?? Seriously?  You all know how much we love Hurley but that is where I DRAW.THE.LINE.

I've heard they can last anywhere from 1 to 6 months, and you can wash, dry, and style them.  So, I'm SOLD, and desperately waiting for them to arrive at my local spa...I'm waitingggggggggggggggggg...



  1. Just saw this blog, love it! Thanks so much Rita! Where are you from? I'm from the Portsmouth area, so of course I shared the feather love there :)
    Peace, Love and Feathers,
    Owner - Fine Featherheads

  2. I saw some girls in Tampa with these in aqua and loved them! I've been spreading the word to all the fashion/beauty people I know ever since.
