Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A few new Nate projects...

Here are a few recent Nate Berkus projects from his show that I wanted to share.  Being very opinionated when it comes to design I had to add my thoughts, too...

1) Frame Trays: Have a frame laying around that you aren't using? Pick a piece of your favorite fabric, meaure to size, and place it within the frame instead of a picture.  My thoughts: You may need to remove that backing piece that leans the frame up if using a frame designed for a desk/table so that your new tray will lay flat (frames designed specifically for wall mounting, however, may not have this piece at all).  You could also paint/spray your frame a pretty color, or even use a picture or piece of artwork instead of fabric (I'm picturing a colored frame with a neutral pattern or black & white picture maybe?!).

2) Clothing as Art: A nicely patterned dress or shirt you no longer wear?  Cut it up and turn it into art!  Cut a piece, pull it taut and attach to your frame backing, and hang it on the wall.  My thoughts: If doing more than one, use like colored frames or like/complementary colors in the fabrics in order to make your new display look cohesive. I don't like things to be too "matchy matchy" but I do like them to look unified & cohesive.

3) Sweaters as Pillows: Have a sweater you don't wear anymore?  Turn it into a pillow!  Cableknit, cashmere, ribbed, whatever texture - this will only cost you the price of a pillow insert if using a sweater you already own.  You could also hit a consignment store and look for a sweater to work with.  My thoughts: I think I've mentioned before that one of my favorite ways to change up the look of a room quickly, easily, and inexpensively, is to simply swap out or rearrange a few throw pillows.  The colors shown below from Nate's site would typically be a little blah for my taste, but for winter I can picture a couple of chunky white or gray sweater pillows, maybe with a brooch added for some sparkle. 

4) Accessories as Art: Have some pretty jewelry laying around that you aren't using?  Display it! Purchase shadow boxes to diplay your big, chunky, pretty necklaces and arrange them on the wall, or take a bracelet and use it as a napkin ring.  My thoughts: Don't do this with your nice, expensive jewelry. ;)  I would say "OK" to mounting some elaborate necklaces that you don't wear, and places like Forever 21 are a good place to find cheapy bracelets that can double as napkin holders.

5) Pretty Magnets:  Brooches or baubly earrings that you don't wear any longer?  Turn them into magnets!  Remove the pin or backings with wire cutters and attach a piece of magnet from your local craft store. My thoughts: We have a stainless fridge so we don't have the ability to hang magnets, but instead you could take your pretty baubles and attach them to a pillow for some quick glitz & glamour, then easily remove or change in the future (I mentioned above, too).

**All photos are courtesy of The Nate Berkus Show website.**

These were some goodies I had to share, and add my two cents!  Thanks, Nate!


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