Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So our little man is about three-and-a-half months old now and he is AMAZING.  There isn't too much to report - he eats, he sleeps, and he poops. :) 

BUT...he is soooo smiley and happy these days!!!  And so awake and aware of his surroundings!  When I go in his room to get him out of his crib in the morning he gives me the biggest smile, it melts my heart every morning...and I am not a morning person. ;)  He is just so happy and smiley, he makes every day worthwhile.  Nothing beats it when he stares right at you with a big smile or giggle.  He is just so adorable I can barely stand it!!!!  Do I sound like a proud Mom much?!?!  Look at this face...

I am happy to report that since about 2 months he has been sleeping through the night...and when I say "through the night" I mean 10PM at the LATEST all the way until about 7AM or later  (not like those books that refer to "through the night" as midnight - 5AM).  Occasionally he'll wake up a bit fussy in the middle of the night but usually a bink quiets him right down and he falls back to sleep.  He's been waking up between 6:45 and 7:45ish lately for a bottle, sometimes later, and he'll generally fall back asleep for another couple of hours in the morning.  Don't get me wrong, there are nights when he doesn't want to go to sleep but that is VERY rare, or when he'll wake up at 4:30-5AM a little fussy, but generally he's really good at night.  What can I say - he's a sleeper like his Mom...Chris even refers to Bentley, Hurley, and I as "Team Sleep!!"  (Although every night I wonder if it is going to be "THE" night that he starts waking up again at 2 or 3AM...but so far...so good!)

Overall he's SUCH a great baby!!  He's not much of a napper though, which can be a bit tough on me during the day, and a bit tough on him around 7PM when he hits the "witching hour" and starts to melt down.  He'll doze off here and there, and take some catnaps...but the little bugger knows as soon as I put him in his crib or pack 'n play and will almost immediately wake up.  For the time being I am going with it, but will talk to his Dr. at his upcoming appointment about starting a set nap schedule - I'm just not keen on putting him in his crib and letting him scream it out quite yet (I know, I know, some of you think I'm nuts and should do it - but for the time being he's been a little irregular on his eating schedule so I'm focusing on that instead to try and get him back onto an eating schedule.  Next will be set naps!)  IT'S BENTLEY'S WORLD, I JUST LIVE IN IT!!! ;)

Otherwise, he's just a happy, adorable, very stylish three-month-old...WAY more stylish than me these days, and probably will be for awhile.  He still loves the bath and he's been rocking the combover lately - its his "sophisticated" look.  He still rocks the faux hawk but it is soooo tall now it curls to the side - think Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary.  Here's a fabulous outfit he rocked recently when some friends came over...Baby Gap cords, Vans, and yes, his shirt says "I'm proof that my Mommy puts out."

And another stylish one below...his baby blue & brown striped thermal onesie with red buttons & trim, complete with matching red vest & his little Uggs (sorry, can't see the Uggs).

We are also working on the Bumbo these days to get him sitting up more - it's pretty funny!

We have his FOUR MONTH appointment coming up in mid-November (where has the time gone?!!).  After that I'll report in on his growth...but right now it seems to be mostly in his cheeks. :)


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