Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Week in Review

So I go to the OB last week and after I'd received a phone call from her nurse clearing me of gestational diabetes saying I "passed" the test...she informs me that 1) My "number" measured 139..."and what's the cutoff?" I asked...140!!!! 2) Every week my glucose is high and last week it was up to 100 when usually it's around 50...SO she wants me to re-do the glucose test.  I went in Friday for a re-do and got the results Monday...I FAILED with a number of 156/140.  {INSERT MULTIPLE PROFANITIES HERE} The nurse on the phone said it's not that high but she didn't sound too convincing.  As far as I know now, the game plan is this: I have to go on Tuesday for a 4 hour glucose screening.  It involves fasting starting at midnight Monday, a 7AM blood draw Tuesday, drink the nasty glucose drink AGAIN, then another 3 blood draws on the hour.  They should have the results fairly quickly so I'll know on Tuesday if I pass or fail.  If I pass, which I don't think I'm going to, I don't have to worry about anything for the rest of my pregnancy - you are allowed to fail 2 tests.  If I fail I am sent off to the gestational diabetes clinic for the res of my pregnancy.  I just read the clinic profile and what my appointments would potentially be and I am not even going to share yet because it sucks SO bad.

Finishing up week 29, BGS is about 2.5 pounds...similar to a butternut squash.  She is about 15 inches long.  Now in week 30 (holy crap, I can't believe it...), she is growing to 15.7 inches long and about 3 pounds..."like" a head of cabbage...by the end of the week.  Only about 8-10 weeks left!!  She is moving like crazy and although I feel big, I know I don't have as big of a belly as I did with Bentley at this point.  I don't know that I'm exactly carrying differently, but I've had several comments on how my budda belly is smaller.  That really shouldn't be too hard seeing as I was a flippin' HOUSE with Bentley.  Bending over for any reason is hard now, even putting on shoes & pants.  I promise I'll keep wearing pants though...at least in public. ;)  I'll share a belly pic soon!

I am in the process of deciding if we'll bank BGS' cord blood, which I did with Bentley.  We probably will do it again. 

Bentley is talking up a storm.  He's my little parrot now.  He looks at the microwave and stove and says "coo coo" for cook; has his version of "club" for his golf clubs ~ even pointing to Hunter Mahan on TV Sunday yelling "ball" and "club" and then picking up his own club; and repeats his version of "peas" and "beans."  A normal ear probably would not be able to understand his baby jibberish but my Mom ears know he's repeating and understanding things.  He opened a book to a picture of a duck the other day and proudly said "duck"; on the next page was a frog which we really haven't seen much of in his books and he did a very good job repeating it.

Let's see what else...we had a fun weekend.  Saturday morning I took Hurley to a refresher obedience class after talking to his trainer about how fresh he's been lately, marking his territory and running away outside.  I plan on taking him to the drop-in classes whenever I can.  Still have to take the best care of my "first born" that I can.  Then Bentley and I visited with Auntie Erin, Uncle Jeff, Maya, and Sophie for awhile - we haven't seen them in an age.  Bentley broke their globe within minutes of arriving because he thought it was a ball and ate them out of every cracker in the house.  My aunt and cousin were down from NH so Bentley and I went to dinner with them, Grammy & Grampy.  Christopher had worked all day and was exhaused so we brought him home some takeout.  Sunday we had a kinda-date to see Wanderlust and then got some shitty appetizers at Friday's after.  Won't go back there again.  It was nice to be out by ourselves for a change though, even though I always miss my B-Man when he's not with me. 

Yesterday Daddy was home for a break in the morning and went swimming with Bentley, I'll share pics.  Today we are going to Playtown Express for some indoor playground fun with Ty and Ava.  Friday is Miss Ava's birthday so we have her partayyy late afternoon.

That's all for now ~ more diabetes reporting next week after my test.  I really suck at being pregnant.


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