Friday, February 3, 2012


It's been a rough few weeks at the Strazz house...I have not been feeling well.  I am an anxiety sufferer and when I was pregnant with Bentley I breezed through my pregnancy without any issues.  This time around I had a fine first trimester but second trimester has been pretty tough.  For about the last 10-12 weeks I've been having major anxiety to the point where its making me sick to my stomach, exhausted, and overall hard to even function normally.  My usual medication prescriber referred me out to a clinic at UMass Memorial in Worcester that specializes in only pregnancy cases ~ well, of course it took 2 months to get an appointment!!!  I finally went last week and it was great.  In addition to switching medications I am going to be attending a weekly group session of third trimester and post-partum women who are depression/anxiety sufferers.  I'm hoping some will be REALLY off their rockers and I'll feel much better about myself.  ;)  It's not mandatory so I can go check it out and see how I feel, and stop going if I don't like it.  Also, my regular psychiatrist who prescribes my meds has transferred my care for the short term - for pregnancy & post-partum only - to this same woman I saw last week at UMass.  She is very knowledgeable and specializes in pregnancy cases so it's a good move.  I've been switching meds this week and its been a little rough, causing more anxiety during the switch which is normal ~ but now I'm fully on my new med and its totally baby-safe.  SO, that's what has been going on with me.  Bentley and hubby have been keeping me smiling even though I've felt so crummy and I'm hopeful that within the next few weeks I'll turn the corner and be feeling much better. 

Also, all of the sudden this happened...

I felt like I've had a bump and everything but all of the sudden I feel like I got huge as of the last few days.  I'm at week 26 ~ 2 weeks to go until third trimester!!  This pregnancy has flown by.  The countdown is at 14 weeks but if Bentley's sister is on his schedule I've only got about 12 weeks left.  Things have really flown by.  She is moving a ton ~ hubby can feel her now; and if she gets going on a good kicking spree you can see my belly move.  My OB has been really in the loop and supportive with all of my anxiety issues, which has been GREAT and very comforting. 

Bentley has been AWESOME!!!  He is a ball of laughs.  He is in a really fun/funny stage.  His laugh kills me and no one can get him going like Daddy.  He's been really into books so pretty much every day he brings me several "boo" to sit on the couch and look at.  We've been working on his 'My First Words' book and another book that is really good with teaching words and he's doing GREAT!!!  Banana is 'nana', Book is 'boo', shoes, socks, and cheese come out as these cute lispy words but I can tell what he's saying.  Every animal is no longer 'dog' ~ its still his favorite but he now knows 'cat.'  There are lots of other words he'll repeat in his books.  Flower is 'lor' and balloon is a very cute and spit-filled 'loooooon.'  He chats up a storm in his own little language as well.  And all of the sudden he says "HIIIII" randomly and I die laughing every time.  I was throwing up (gross, sorry) and he made his way into the bathroom behind me and said "HIIIIIII" but he almost has a southern accent the way it comes out.  Here are a few recent pics...

He's running around like crazy, we finally gated the upstairs in addition to downstairs.  This kid LOVES his golf clubs.  He practices his "golf swing" all the time ~ club or no club.  And if Daddy is watching golf he will watch and say 'ball' over and over and just do random golf swings in front of the TV.  He is a total bundle of fun.  He has been a good listener, too ~ if he opens a cabinet and you ask him to close it he will, or if you ask him to put something back and show him what you mean he will follow your instructions.  Not to say he still doesn't have his fit-throwing moments though!  OH, and my musical man loves playing the harmonica, his recorder, and now the tambourine. 

So although its been a rough couple of months for me, Bentley is doing GREAT.  He's keeping me laughing and definitely keeping me on my toes!  And it won't be long before Baby Girl Strazz arrives!


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