Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sick House...

I came down with a cold earlier this week and the hubby came down with a stomach bug.  We were able to enjoy a quiet, low key Valentine's Day though.  We got sushi for dinner (I only ate the veggie kind) and watched a movie.  The hub brought me Cadbury Creme Eggs (YUM), some pretty flowers, and a hyacinth plant, which is probably my fav spring bulb ~ they smell soooooooooooo good...

Yesterday I started puking and am still not feeling well today.  I'm just REALLY hoping Bentley doesn't get sick.  So far, so good.

The B-Man has been his usual happy self, playing up a storm.  He's started "coloring" with crayons but really doesn't understand the concept of only coloring on we have crayon marks on the coffee table, window, on a picture frame, I found some blue on the staircase we gotta work on that one.  And right now he uses both hands - so we're still not clear if he's a righty or lefty.  He loves giving dog "teets" ~ yes, "teets" not "treats."  He'll stand by the counter and point up to Hurley's treat bowl or go to his dish and take food out to feed him.  Hurley is very gentle - one of the few things he's gentle with.  He's also talking up a storm, today telling dog to sit for his "teets"; and juice is now "deuce" (it sounds like he's saying douche...LOL).  He's loving looking at books but has picked the sameeeeeeeeeeeeee book over and over lately.  It has a hole in the cover and he loves sticking his finger through the hole and having you grab it on the other side.  Cracks him up.  It's also hilarious when he's ready for his nap and I ask him if he's ready for his "nappy" and he excitedly runs to the stairs.  He'll do it for bedtime now, too if he's tired & ready.  Every day I swear he's doing something new and funnier!!

I'll report back when I'm feeling better...


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