Friday, April 13, 2012


Even though I feel like a terrible mother I am going to share this scariest moment EVER story...

This morning was cleaning lady day.  So we were up early to greet Maria, Bentley was running around in his jams having some milk before breakfast, all was good.  I went into the kitchen and in hindsight heard the basement door open ~ Maria has to go downstairs to grab the cleaning supplies and I thought nothing of it.  The next thing I know I heard the LOUDEST, LONGEST crash, bang, boom and even though in my heart I knew what it was, I was FROZEN in the kitchen.  Maria started screaming from the basement and I RAN.  I saw that the basement door was OPEN and Bentley was laying on his belly at the bottom of the stairs wailing and crying.  I ran downstairs.  Maria was yelling at me not to pick him up, which was of course my first instinct.  He was crying as she was telling me to go call 911.  I ran up to get the phone and by the time I came back down he was standing up...he had gotten up on his own...and was just standing there crying in shock.  He walked towards me and we gave him a few seconds and I dialed 911.  I wasn't taking any chances.  My lil 20 month old babe just tumbled down about 13 WOOD stairs and landed on the concrete basement floor.  My instict told me he was OK but I still wanted to be sure.  The operator said she was sending the medics and we brought Bentley upstairs to wait.  He had calmed down but was pale as ever and just sitting on my lap with his head curled up on me.  Within minutes the ambulance pulled up, with a police car, and the guys came in.  Bentley wasn't crying and was just staring at the guys curiously.  I walked around a little bit because I just wanted to make sure he wasn't limping or anything ~ he was fine.  I couldn't believe it.  One of the medics laughed a little and said his son fell down the stairs the night before.  The guys were really nice and said it was up to me if I wanted them to take him in the ambulance.  He really seemed OK and they assured me that if something was broken or hurt badly he would be letting me know ~ but he was totally chill and quiet, just a little pale.  We all agreed that the ambulance ride would probably make things worse and freak him out, since he had already calmed down.  They suggested I get him some breakfast, keep an eye on him for a few hours and then check in with his primary care.  And if anything changed at all to call them back but at that point they wouldn't give me the option they would just take him to the hospital.  I told them they were lucky because in addition to a baby fall response they almost got a two-for-one with a labor call as well.

They left and I checked him all over for bumps and bruises.  He's got a bump on his head but not even a scratch anywhere else.  He ate breakfast, played with his cousins, we did some flashcards and coloring, and this kid is FINE.  He is his father's son FOR SURE.  He's one tough cookie. 

My cleaning lady said to me that she pulled the door closed but she must not have pulled it all the way to where it latched shut.  So he must have pulled the door open and I imagine he slipped because he has not yet tried to brave going down the stairs by himself.  I didn't even know he was over near the door.  It was a total accident and I feel like the worst Mom ever but for the few minutes I was in the kitchen I didn't realize what was going on.  My poor cleaning lady I think had a heart attack ~ she was screaming and almost in tears, shaking out of control.  But she helped get us upstairs and onto the couch to relax, got B's milk and me a water, and sat with us until the medics left.  I think she gave him a million hugs over the time she was here. 

So that was the awful, terrible, scary "excitement" of our morning.  As I was thinking after I remembered how when I was 9 months pregnant with Bentley my little Hurley took off for a good half hour and got stuck in the river.  When Chris pulled him out he had two big gashes in his paws and we had to take him for staples and stitches.  It wasn't long AT ALL after that that I went into labor.  And it figures at 9 months pregnant this time Bentley has to fall down a flight of wooden basement stairs!!!

Anywho, I knew he was bound to slip or fall on the stairs at SOME point but I thought for sure it would be when he was a little older.  I was not expecting a full tumble down the basement stairs.  I just have the sound stuck in my head and the image of him laying at the bottom of the stairs.  Horrifying.

So that's my story to share with you this lovely Friday...


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