Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bump Update...

OK, so we are at 37 weeks/3 days ~ full term!  According to my weekly email update from Baby Center, BGS is 6 1/3 lbs and 19 inches long ~ like a stalk of swiss chard.  However, yesterday I had a 37 week ultrasound and they estimate her size at 6 lbs 9 oz.  BUT I'm not too confident in that measurement since they tell you it can fluctuate at least a pound either way.  It was a bit confusing because the ultrasound tech said she was measuring a week behind and wanted to redo her femur measurement - that's what she thought was throwing it off - but then the Dr in the ultrasound office came in and said everything was fine.  Today I had a weekly visit with my OB and I asked her to clarify ~ she said in fact that everything was totally fine and she was measuring in the 40th percentile. 

I am incredibly crampy and have lots of pressure.  It actually got much worse as of the weekend.  I have also been barfing since late last week.  It started with just a random barf a day and on Saturday started becoming several barfs a day.  Sunday all I could keep down was Coke and some crackers and yesterday by the time we got to the hospital for my appointment I puked up what was left of my granola bar.  Yummy.

As much as it sucks, its usually a good thing and means that stuffs a brewin'.  Last week at my 36 week appointment I was 1 cm dilated.  Today at 37 wks/3 days I am still a cm dilated but 50% effaced.  Which means more action has been going on.  With Bentley I had the same measurements at my 38 week appointment and went into labor 2 days later.  So we'll see, there's no way of knowing for sure.

My anxiety has been acting up again the last few days which also leads me to believe I'm nearing the end.  I had NONE with Bentley but not so lucky this time as everyone knows by now.  The med adjustment has really helped over the last several weeks but anxiety has been creeping up again the last few days.  My OB said its OK to use my Klonopin still if I'm finding I need it ~ I'm better off taking it than not taking it and being super anxious or worrying about the side effects, etc.  So she eased my mind there.  She basically said that if women are in labor and start freaking, they give it by IV so she appreciates that I'm worried about it but I'm better off using it when necessary.  I did have Nubain (an analgesic/painkiller that basically enables you to become super relaxed during labor, to me it was a similar effect as a BIG dose of an anxiety med or something similar) with Bentley so all along I've kind of been expecting they'll use it again this time anyways.

I also don't have to go to the diabetes clinic anymore!  Unless for some reason my numbers go haywire but based on the fact that I'm so pukey I'm just going to do the best I can until this kid arrives.  I told them at my appt yesterday I had Coke & crackers because I couldn't keep anything down and they were fine with it.  Except I had to meet with the bitch I told off a few weeks ago ~ I said I'd been having eggs in the AM but the last few days puking them up, so I tried a granola bar instead, didn't feel as sick but my AM number was high - so she told me 'well I guess you know you can't eat those anymore.'  So I'm not sure what they expect of me - to eat eggs and barf it all up or to try and eat some carbs or something that will stay down and have my numbers be off.  I talked to my OB today and she said at this point I'm fine, just do the best I can and eat what I can keep down.  They'll check my blood sugar after the baby is born and then 6 weeks later I go to the lab for a two hour glucose test to make sure the diabetes has gone away.  I was also told to "eat light" after labor.  UM, OK so you're telling 1) a lady that will have gone through multiple hours of labor with no food allowed and 2) the same lady that has barely eaten "real" food in 2+ months to eat light?!  We'll see how that goes.  I understand the logic but come onnnnnnnn!!  Anyways if the diabetes is gone at 6 weeks out I just get a letter and if not they tell you you're "pre diabetes" and you have to follow up with your primary care. 

So the moral of the story and all you need to take away from my rambling is that I went into labor with Bentley at 38 weeks/2 days and I'm measuring about the same as of 37 weeks this time around, so I think we're in the home stretch.  Bags are packed, the hubs and I are on our toes, and I am super sensitive to every feeling that may be a real contraction...


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