Thursday, March 15, 2012

The New Drama

Let's be real - this pregnancy has sucked.  I would take puking non-stop for 7 1/2 months like I did with Bentley over and over and over.  So I've been kind of crampy since last week and Tuesday it got worse, and one side was really bothering me.  Late in the day on Tues I called the Drs. answering service just to be safe ~ the feeling was similar to what I felt a few days before I went into labor with Bentley.  The nurse asked me a bunch of questions and decided she wanted me to go to the hospital 1) to rule out a UTI/infection and 2) to make sure I wasn't having contractions/early labor.  Sweet.

So I called Mum and she came over right away and we headed to Newton Wellesley on Tuesday night.  I had to go up to the maternity ward to antenatal to be hooked up to the machines and monitored.  They were monitoring me for contractions and checking baby girl's heart rate.  We spent a couple of hours there.  Monitoring, checking for infection, and I saw a Dr. to make sure I wasn't dilated.  They released me under the instructions to rest, drink lots of water, and call my OB first thing in the morning to set up an ultrasound.

I barely slept, but finally fell asleep when the hub left for work and he woke me up with a call at 9:20. Yes, Bentley was still asleep.  I called the Dr. right away and the receptionist booked me an ultrasound for 11:30 so I cancelled the rest of my appts. for the day as this was clearly the priority.  After a regular external and also an internal ultrasound, the radiologist told me to head up to my Drs. office before I left to check in, as they were sending the results right up.

I actually bumped into my OB in the hall and she had heard I was in the hospital the night before, so she told me to come up and she'd see me.  I waited for a bit because "sending the results right up" of course took over a half hour.  My Dr. confirmed that there was no infection, the baby is totally fine ~ her growth is right on track (and she is not even close to 'too big' which is what they watch for with gestational diabetes, she's 3 lb 13 oz), my fluid levels are fine, and I am not dilated at all.  So she said as of right then, all was OK.  BUT she was nervous that this is how I felt shortly before I went into labor with Bentley so she wants me on bedrest as much as possible and if anything changes/gets worse to call right away.  She also didn't want to go into the weekend without checking in so I have to be seen on Friday when they'll do a test that with 99% accuracy confirms if I'll go into pre-term labor. 

So, I'm trying to rest and waiting for tomorrow.  My appt isn't until 3 so I'm really hoping they'll have the results of this test right away so I don't have to wait the weekend.  I really need a room at the hospital at this point - will be there 3 times this week, then again Monday and Tuesday for a diabetes appt and my regular 2 week OB check in.

Thanks to Mum and Auntie Diane for helping a ton in the last couple of days!



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