Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Terrible Two's?

So far having a two-year-old isn't so terrible!  He's actually hilarious these days.  In addition to being a MOSTLY good big brother...more on that later...and a little fresh at times...very energetic...he's just so funny and I don't know where such a teeny person comes up with this stuff!

1. In addition to "Mommy" he now refers to me as "Erin" at times.  I woke up to him calling "Erin, Erinnnnnnnnnnnnn, Mom, Erinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" the other morning.
2. He randomly woke up early in the morning the other day, proceeded to yell "pizza" 3-4 times and then was quiet again.
3. He gets up in my face and picks my zit saying "booboo"???
4. He's talking up a storm and repeats everything.  He was playing with my camera and I said "Buddy, that's not a toy...." which turned into him running around singing "Not a toy, not a toy, not a toyyyyyyy."
5. I have a little sticker chart on the fridge for him for little things like helping with sissy, brushing his teeth, cleaning up messes/spills, good manners...he came running into the kitchen, grabbed a towel and yelled "clean up!!!!"  He had spilled the littlest drop of milk and needed to wipe it up.
6. He is SO observant and detail-oriented already.  He will hear the neighbor mowing the lawn and just from the sound it's "mower!!" and the same if he hears a plane.  Sometimes the hub and I have a popcorn snack before bed and twice in the last week or so he has picked up the LITTLEST shrapnel of popcorn/kernel and given it to me, saying "popcorn."  I don't know how he even knows that a fraction of a kernel is from a piece of popcorn!!
7. He's very good with his please/thank you and it killssssss me when he hands me something and says "tank you."  Every time he gives me something.
8. He wants to call people now all the time...it's "call DaDa," "call Gampy," "call Duppy" but then when you call he just stares at the phone. ;)

Now onto the fresh part.......on Sunday morning he wanted crackers but hadn't eaten much of his fruit so I wouldn't let him have crackers.  This turned into a throwing himself on the floor, crying fit where he ultimately slapped Grace on the forehead!!!!  He has NEVERRRRRRRRRRRR done anything like that so he earned himself a nice time out. 

You would think I give him 10 time outs a day the way he asks for "time out" or goes and sits down and says "time out" but he MAYBE gets 2-3 a week.  He rarely does anything that warrants it.  But he has "the look" that he gives us when he knows he shouldn't be doing something and does it anyways; and now any time I reprimand him or correct him in any way he says "time out."  Great.

*Grace giving her big brother the hairy eyeball for playing with her toys.


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