Tuesday, September 11, 2012

FOUR MONTH & Other Updates...

Lot's of happenings around Casa de Strazz...

Last Thursday Gracie had her 4-month appointment.  She weighs 13.56 lbs / 34.61 percentile; is 24.5 inches long / 49.29 percentile; and her head is 15.75 inches around / 30.51 percentile. At 4 months Bentley was 15 lbs / 10 oz and 25 1/4 inches long.  Gracie is doing great, sleeping longer stretches through the night.  She typically goes down between 9-9:30PM and sleeps until at least 4AM.  Her eating schedule is a bit random in terms of time/amounts, but Bentley was the same way at this age.  I looked back at his 4 month blog update and they are basically about the same except 1) Bentley was eating about 2 oz more daily on average, 2) He was about 2 lbs heavier, and 3) He was sleeping until 6-7AM.  In another week or two we'll start giving Gracie cereal.  Bentley was a good big brother at the Doctor's office...


A sweet pic of my girl holding my finger...

Gracie still likes her Bumbo - although she now has the buckle/strap for it, we've been working on tummy time, and she will sit in the little round activity center - she goes for the pandas every time!




She also enjoys snuggling on the comforter on the couch...


She isn't on a set nap schedule yet - Bentley wasn't either at this age.  She will wake up usually between 7:30-8:30, take a mid to late morning catnap, then take a longer afternoon nap, and doze off with me on the couch around 7ish.


She is really quite the character these days!


Here is a video of Bentley making her laugh.

Bentley is doing well.  He's been a very good big brother - except for the time he smacked Grace on the head because I wouldn't give him crackers.  We have a sticker chart on the fridge, which he really likes...except notice all of the tape from the zillion times he's tried to rip it off the fridge...

Every night before bed we get into his jammies, pick up his toys/books, brush his teeth, and he says goodnight to both of us, Gracie, and Hurley.  It's pretty cute.  He is a TOTAL REPEATER right now.  He says everything about 30+ times...

Here is a video of him asking for more pickles.

Here is a video of him asking for the phone.

He is one smart, observant little man.  We were doing his flashcards the other day and all of the sudden he stopped and said "one second, Mommy, one second!" as he was trying to put one of  the cards back into the box.  He has randomly started pointing out triangles ~ he has blocks that are different shapes and all of the sudden he blurted out "triangle" the other day while we were in the car behind a truck that had a triangle in its logo.  He is a master at the iPad & iPhone and can unlock that puppy no problem and click around emails, messages, whatever he can find.  And since he is so observant of Sissy, he will point out that she is "poopin" every time she farts and she's "burpin" every time she yawns or has the hiccups.  Also, for two years he NEVER wanted anything in his crib besides his blankets but now in the last two weeks he has to sleep with all of his "guys" ~ which includes two dogs, a dinosaur, a giraffe, and a little monkey.  Every morning I carry them downstairs, then back up for his nap, then back down when he wakes up, then up again for bedtime.  And he likes to climb on the couch with me and says "blanket, head down" ~ which means he wants to lay on me and snuggle with the blanket over us.

We went last Friday to get him a haircut...

He is also QUITE the character these days!!  As I said - repeating himself OVER AND OVER AND OVER.  I love you to infinity and beyond buddy but sometimes it makes me want to cut my ears off. ;)  I mean that in the most loving way possible.  And this is how I found him in bed this morning...
Today he is rocking his American flag shirt to support 9/11...

So the kids are doing well. Otherwise, I had a physical last week and am down 45 lbs!  I have been thrifting and crafting up a storm, getting ready for Gracie's big Christening party in October.  The hub has been working a lot and will start school in a couple of weeks for his Masters.  I told you the story of the lost pup from the weekend, and in addition to that we had a turkey sighting on Sunday - OHHH, how exciting.

I think that's it for now!


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