Monday, January 16, 2012

Back to Projects...

So I was in total project mode and got lots of furniture done, then BLAH through the holidays.  We just took the last of the Christmas decorations down ~ the trees on the front porch ~ and are now holiday free.  Now I've decided this pregnancy I will not make the same mistake I did with Bentley which was PLAN to have everything done early in my pregnancy and then have all these crazy "other" projects take up my time and finish his nursery last.  I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have cared if our entire wardrobe in the closet, armoire, and dresser were neatly organized.  Oh well.  So this time I'm gettin 'er done early. 

We just started rearranging some furniture upstairs as I've been wanting to give Bentley's room a little makeover, and I need his chair for the new nursery.  This rearranging also consisted of me losing  my desk space in the new room so I've moved it into the hallway.  Take a peek...

Who knows what I'll do here because I never used it in its original home.  I imagine now that I don't have a chair in Bentley's room this is where we'll sit and snuggle if he's not feeling well at night.  But who cares, it looks pretty RIGHT?!!  Right.

A few more touches on Bentley's room and then I'll share pics.

As far as the nursery goes - I have the crib, mattress, and sheets; one dresser done; a pretty lamp; the chair from Bentley's room which is gray & modern; curtains from Bentley's room that I am reusing.  I need to order blinds, and maybe an inexpensive little chandelier.  Biggest projects are 1) painting the dresser and lining both dressers with Mum's help, 2) cleaning it out/up, 3) getting the baby's clothes put away.  That's really it and it'll be ready to go.  The dresser is the biggest project but right now its also "home" to lots of odds and ends that got put in there over the holidays and have stacked up on the bed so I need to clean 'er out.  In the next month or so I plan to have that room wrapped up and then its smooth sailing through the third trimester - hopefully?!  Well, that's the plan.  I'm sure I'll come up with some crazy organization projects to do as well but we'll see.

Later this week I'm heading off to FL for a few days to visit Trish, Tyrone, and new baby Madison.  Some sun, warm weather, and a fresh baby should do me well for a few days. 

That's all for now...


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