~ I love you for the most aggressive and wild bum wiggle I have ever seen.
~ I love you for always being so happy to see us...even if we've only been gone for 10 minutes.
~ I love you for being so loving and protective while I was pregnant, then being a team player and getting hurt in order to stress me out and send me into labor.
*My protector*

*My labor inducer*
~ I love you for knowing that Baby B was coming and waiting so nicely for him.
*Waiting patiently by the crib*
*On the chair in the nursery the morning I went into labor*
~ I love you for loving Bentley and being SUCH a good big brother.
~ I love you for your snaggle teeth & smile.
~ I love you for the way you smell when you sleep.
~ I love how you always try to sneak in bed at night. And when you get into something you shouldn't or sneak someplace else you shouldn't, I still love you.
*Dirt pile anyone?*
~ I love you for snuggling with me in the morning after Daddy gets out of bed.
~ I love how you still "own" the stairs. You are the master stair guardian.
~ I love you for the funny noises you make - snoring, snorting, and other weird things when you're playing.
~ I love you for your adorable yawns.
~ I love you for sneezing when you want something.
~ I love you for how incredibly handsome, good looking, and photogenic you are.
~ I love how you lounge around and let it all hang out.
~ I love you for being such a goofball and freaking out at things like tape measures, flames, moving funiture, a clicking pen, the list could go on. I love how you love the lint roller and every time I lint roll myself you stand there and wait for me to lint roll you - and like a crazy person I always tell you, "don't worry, I'll do you next." I love how you come prancing into the bathroom when I'm blow drying my hair so that you can get a little of the warm breeze, then run away like you're scared all of the sudden when the air hits you. Some other quirks...here's a nice photo enjoying some peanut butter...looking like a goober. And sleeping on your back.
~ I love how you get runny noses like 'real people' do. My boogie face!
~ I love that you are probably one of the only bulldogges on the planet that swims...and loves sun.
~ I love you for being a team player and letting me do crazy things to you.
~ And even though we (I) torture you with outfits sometimes, you still help around the house with things like cleaning up after Bentley's mealtime or helping me paint. I love you for that.
~ I love you for running this house like you pay the mortgage...and I'm too obsessed with you to care most of the time. (OK, so we put him on the counter but the driver's seat - all Hurley, while safely in park of course.)
~ I love you for your big brown puppy dog eyes that melt my heart every time I see you.
~ I love you for loving us unconditionally!
~Mommy, Daddy, & Bentley
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