Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Last week Grace was 15 MONTHS OLD!!

She is still NOT WALKING. I am shocked and thought for sure she would walk before Bentley did, which was around 14 months but this girl is stubborn!!  As soon as she even senses that you are going to let go of her fingers she plops right to the ground.  I do have to say she has a fabulous and efficient one armed scoot that allows her to move around with multiple markers, crayons, and other items she shouldn't have in her hand. 

Today we had her 15 month well visit.  She is a peanut!  She weighs 18 lbs / 15 oz = 17th percentile; her height is 28.75 inches = 4th percentile; her head is 17.75 inches around = 33rd percentile.  Due to problems pooping, she mainly drinks fruit juice which I HATE - we very rarely let Bentley have juice to this day, it's milk or water - and the doctor wants me to slowly add more milk to put some bulk on her.  I'd rather have her drinking milk but they originally told me to give her juice to help her bowels so that's what we've been doing.  Onto milk it is I guess. 

She is a picky eater - no solid fruits or veggies, everything is bread-based!  She's a carb loader like her Mom and Bentley.  She likes the pureed packets of fruits and veggies but if I dare cut up a piece of fruit or a pea to try to get her to eat it she spits it right out.  She won't eat cheese plain, but she loves grilled cheese.  Anything that involves some type of bread, she will eat like she has a hollow leg.  My favorite is when she picks up as much food as she can fit into one fist and then just nibbles off that ball of food she creates.

Bentley starts school early in September.  He is doing well and causing a ruckus.  Although today I picked him up from camp and when he saw me in the door he shouted with a big smile "MY MOMMYYYYYY!" and came running.  Melt my heart - that makes up for how mischievous he's been lately.


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