Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Morning...

Sunday mornings should be relaxing and low key, right?  This Sunday = WRONG.  What is this shit...ARMAGEDDON?!!!  A tornado rips through the state earlier this summer, Hurricane Irene not long ago, and now a Nor'easter in October!!!!

Chris had dinner with his cousin last night and when he got home I was unconscious in bed with all of the lights on, glasses on, TV on, and then the POWER WENT OUT.  Nooooooooooooooooo!  So we woke up this morning and the power was still out and it was 57 degrees in our house.  We were supposed to spend the day with friends in CT but they also have no power ~ its 55 degrees at their house and the street is covered with down lines so they can't even leave.  Mum and Dad have power so we are here now ~ and by we I mean Bentley and I.  Daddy got called to work, the poor guy never gets a break.  Our friends are powerless because the entire service was ripped off their house, but the electric company won't hook power back up until they have an electrician come reattach the service itself.  AND they have 4 month old twins so the hub is going to help out.  He's also already gotten calls for generators today.  Ay ay ay.  SO Bentley, Hurley, and I are hanging at Grammy and Grampy's.  Grampy made Bentley pancakes and he also had some pumpkin donut...

SO while Daddy's at work we'll be hanging with G&G.  We'll be making Halloween cupcakes later, waiting for power to come back but I don't have a good feeling about this power situation.  It will be some snowy trick-or-treating tomorrow!!!!  Lil man's rocking his "I Love My Mummy" shirt...thanks Auntie JoJo!

Have a snowy pre-Halloween Sunday!


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