Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What's Bentley Up To?

In addition to being a big brother and taking care of his sissy, my lil almost-two-year-old guy has been growing by leaps and bounds ~ every day is something new!  He is talking up a storm and has new words every day.  Some of them only I can recognize but majority of the time I always know what he's saying or asking for.  He'll want to go outside and say "side side."  He goes to the "snack" drawer and asks for a "snack" or for "crackers."  He even brought me over his Thomas the Train book and blurted out "Thomas."  ADORABLEEEEEE.  He's aware of everything and understands EVERYTHING!  Outside he points out the "grass," "trees," "birdies," and even "trash" (LOL!).  And when we pull down the street or into the driveway he'll say "HOME."  It's so cute when he tweets like a bird or makes monkey noises.  We are working on I'll say "What's Mommy's name...Daddy's name...Dog's name"...etc.  I have to remind him still but he says "Erin, Chris, Hur-tey, Grace."  The other night I had him saying "Don" and "Pidge" for Grammy & Grampy.

He knows his family now, too.  He's always asking for Grampy lately!!  A silver car will come down the road and he'll excitedly yell "Gampy Gampy!"  We'll look at pictures on the wall and he'll point out Grampy & Dup.  And he says "Gammy" and "DeDe."  When he sees Chris' truck coming down the road he yells "Dada!!!!"  He also says "Auntie" now and knows who Ty & Ava are.  He LOVES playing with his cousins!!!  LOVES IT!  AND FINALLY AFTER ALMOST TWO YEARS HE RECOGNIZES ME AS "MOMMA!"  That didn't take long!!

Listening to him say "Hur-tey" melts my heart every time.  We'll come home and he'll run in the house yelling "Hur-tey, Hur-tey! HURLLLL!"  And he still slaps his leg like I do, hoping for Hurley to come.

He'll tell me when he's ready to "eat." I'll let him pick what he wants to eat and ask him..."Would you like pancakes or waffles for breakfast?"  And he'll tell me "cake" or "wa wa."  He'll tell me if he wants milk or water, etc.  We ask him to say please and he's getting the hang of it.  This morning I was pouring his milk and he looked up at me and said "Tank you." 

He is still a crazy good sleeper!  At night he loves to brush & rinse, and still runs to the stairs for his nap or bed.  He knows "nappy" and "na-nights" and somtimes will look at me and say "nap nap."  He only has his binkies for naps and bedtime and now knows they stay in his crib.  When I get him out of his crib he'll take his bink out and set it down in his crib.  Actually one morning I was getting ready to bring him to our cousin's to watch him and I knew I might be heading back around naptime so I wanted to bring a bink...I had it in my hand and he took it right out of my hand and put it back in his crib!  When he wakes up I'll hear him in his crib yelling "Heyyyy, Hiiiiiiiii, Heyyyyyyyyyy" "Momma, Hiiiiiii, Heyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"  IT'S HILARIOUS!!!!

He likes to color and I had a BLAST a couple of weekends ago when we busted out some cards and pictures. 

He's a big boy now, sitting in his booster seat at the table most of the time, and can climb up there by himself.  He sometimes asks still to sit in his high chair though.  I'm working on eating with a spoon/fork and he's doing really well ~ he'll do his own oatmeal in the morning.  An attempt at some yogurt turned a little messy though!

He's also still loving to he and his buddy Wes did in order to relax in my Louis chairs.

He still loves golf and is really into cars right now.  And he still loves to "showa!"

And as I knew he would...he's getting mischevious!!  Sometimes I hear "help helpppp, downnnn" and realize he's climbed and gotten himself stuck on the stairs.

He is the sweetest little man and I love him so much!  He will literally out of nowhere come across the room to me all puckered up and give me a kiss!!!


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