Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pregnancy Fun

I thought it was about time for a fun pregnancy re-cap of the last 9 months.  My poor husband has put up with a lot of craziness, low times, and crying...

1. Mood swings ~ Wayyy worse that with Bentley.  We're talking impatient, no fuse, to the  point where I want to scratch someone's eyes out.  It's BAD.  And I have a bit of a temper. 
2. Meltdowns ~ I had more mental breakdowns and crying fits this time than with Bentley.  Poor hub would get calls with me balling over who knows what while he's up on a ladder working his ass off. 
3. The whole anxiety/depression craziness that went on for MONTHS.  Started up with the anxiety before the winter holidays, turned into some pretty crummy depression, and then tons of appointments/changes in meds to finally get things mostly under control.  Frustrating stuff.  Especially frustrating for the hubby when I could barely get off the couch to function.
4. Barfing ~ Just like with Bentley I barfed my brains out for the first trimester & a half; then once the anxiety kicked in I continued randomly barfing when that acted up.  The barfing has been much much much less than with Bentley but I am still getting sick every now and again.
5. Cravings actually haven't been that bad this time around, but of course the gestational diabetes diagnosis doesn't help.  And it doesn't help calling the hub crying hysterically because "I don't feel good and I can't even eat what I want..."  WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
6. Growing body parts - Enough said.
7. Nesting ~ Since Bentley came early I wanted to have the bulk of the projects, like the nursery, done earlier in pregnancy than with him.  So at about weeks 25-30 I was painting furniture like a mad woman and he was moving it upstairs, hanging things, and being my general handyman to finish up the nursery.
8. Until about 3 weeks ago I was a housewife disaster ~ leaving a tornado of stuff everywhere I went.  Then the final nesting urge kicked in and now I am back to my OCD self.  The house is clean, cabinets have been cleaned out and organized, everything in the nursery is ready, Bentley is stocked up on spring clothes, we have diapers/wipes for both kids, formula is bought and ready to go, bottles are cleaned and organized in the cabinet with Bentley's cups, my couch slipcovers are cleaned, and I'm actually keeping up with the laundry which is unheard of.  Too bad it only took 34 weeks for this to kick in.
9. Excessive body temperature - I am HOT, and I take up the entire bed with my belly & body pillow. And Christopher hasn't moved to the guest room yet.  Sometimes when I wake up I look over at him and the poor kid is curled in a ball on the very edge of the bed.  What a good sport.
10. Noises, noises, and more noises ~ Christopher has made me very aware that I am grunting and groaning a lot these days, and usually I don't even know I'm doing it.  This baby has me so uncomfortable I am unknowingly groaning every time I move.  AND there are still certain ways I can't move - like reaching my feet - forget it.  I had to wear tights a couple of weeks ago and my poor hub had to help me put them on.  How sad is that?! 

I need to reiterate the neurotic OCDness.  More examples...
~There can be nothing in the sink.  I must run the dishwasher at least once a day. 
~Today I was putting the laundry away but was distracted by the crooked hardward on my dresser so those have to remain straight and even at all times. 
~The bed HAS to be made.
~I have to keep up with the laundry ~ today I did a load of two items, a towel and my bath mat.  What if I go into labor and my white bath mat is dirty?!
~Bentley's toys need to remain picked up at all times.  I realize this is totally unrealistic but as much as possible I follow him around and pick things up.
~My decorations - frames, vases, etc. - NEED to be in their place.  I probably adjust things a couple of times a day in case they've magically moved. 
~I continually review my list of 'to-dos' which really has nothing left that has to get done before BGS comes.  But the hubs has a few things on the list I made for him that I'm hounding him about every night when he gets home!
~There are notes all over my house and also packed with Bentley's bag for whoever is taking care of him while we're in the hospital.

Love you hubbyyyyyyyy!!! ily


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