Today our little dude had his 4 month appointment. He is a healthy 15 lbs / 10 oz and 25 1/4 inches long!!! He's growing and thriving, although we need to hold off on solids for a few more weeks. He's been a bit random in his eating habits lately so the Dr. would like him to stabilize around 26-28 oz daily before we try rice cereal once per day. And then more rice cereal and adding some orangey things like carrots and squash...YUMMM, mashed up veggies. Does this look like a face that's ready for some pasty rice cereal?
He's sitting up and holding his head up - he'll sit in his Bumbo, as well as propped up on the couch. He's very comfy & happy here with his binky and an ice cold beer...
We even busted out his jumpy thing. He's probably a little young for it (although the age says 4 mo+) but he seems to like hanging in there and will give himself a kick or twirl every now and then. He'll get used to it and it will help to build up his leg strength. For now, he's just hangin' around! (Mouth open again, like someone I know who shares his gene pool...)
He's still not into tummy time, but I have to start forcing it a bit more. Although he is quite content here hanging out with Hurley (Hurley is mid-stretch here, his life is really tough)...
He's been very drooly lately, a bit fussy at times (he's usually pretty chill), and gnawing on his hands a lot - we are suspicious that he's starting to teethe. We are going through a lot of bibs, as you could suspect by the amount of drool on his shirt below, or by the shoestring hanging from his mouth. I don't feel anything poking through quite yet but he's not too happy when I rub my finger across his gums, so we'll see...

Overall, he is HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!! (Remember Ren & Stimpy anyone?!! Dad will.) He's the cutest little nugget in the universe and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee hanging out with him every day. And he seems to love me too (BONUS!), because if I leave his side sometimes he'll just yell to make me think he's upset but as soon as I'm in his sights again he'll smile and laugh. Little trickster! OH, and he makes the most hilarious clicking noise...I may have already told you but I can't's like his own little tribe language. I JUST LOVE SEEING THIS FACE EVERY DAY, AND WHEN I GO TO GET HIM FROM HIS CRIB IN THE MORNING AND HE IS SOOOOO HAPPY TO SEE ME IT MELTS ME TO THE CORE!!!!
Mommy & Daddy love you Baby B!!!!!! ily