Monday, February 11, 2013

Not-So-Fun-day Monday

OK, so there's a saying called "Sunday Fun-day" that usually involves going to our friend's parents house on the lake in Hopkinton; or otherwise doing some sort of hanging out/drinking activity.  Today, I will teach you a lesson in "Not-So-Fun-day Monday."

Mid last week I started coming down with a cold.  At first it was just a stuffy nose.  Thursday and Friday I had a low grade fever, never over 100 degrees.  But slowly my throat was starting to bother me.  Well by Saturday, every time I swallowed it felt like razor blades and nails were going down my throat.  Fortunately with the storm, the hubby was home all weekend and took the kids while I stayed in bed with Hurley on Saturday AND Sunday.  Because of the anxiety/depression meds I am on, any kind of cold med interferes with them so I couldn't take anything.  Except Vitamin C, which I have been taking.  Throat was so bad I could barely swallow/eat - hubby made me some soup one day, then on Sunday brought me home a Wendy's Frosty.  So we go to sleep Sunday night and by 11PM I am lying in bed feeling strangely nauseous........worse and worse...........until YEP, barf city.  All night long (insert Lionel Ritchie tune here...all night longgggggggg).  Still not feeling well I was up when the hubby left for work this morning - he didn't even hear me...sound sleeper.  I talked to him at about 6:30 AM MISERABLE - and my doctor's office doesn't open until 9 AM and appointments don't start until 9:30AM.  And who knew if they could even fit me in...

SO, Uncle Joey came over at 7:30 while the kids were still asleep and I headed to the hospital.  The hubby met me there.  Because I was so sick with my pregnancies I am a MASTER car puker:

Strep culture = NEGATIVE.  Flu culture = NEGATIVE.  All bloodwork = FINE.  So basically the ER doc said he had something similar a few weeks back and its just a BAD virus...that apparently based on my experience causes green boogers, the feeling of razor blades in your throat, and a random puking spree.  I ended up getting 3 bags of saline/IV fluids; 2 shots of Zofran/nausea meds; and Tylenol.  Whoopie doo after 6 hours in the ER. 

*Yes, I am flipping the bird because I was mad at the virus.*

There is nothing to do but ride it out.  So I have a script for nausea pills to take 4x daily and I'm back in bed with Hurley, my heating pad, and a FULL bedside table of my necessities.  Good times!

I am so nervous to get the kids sick I am trying my best to stay away from them, but I can hear Bentley at the bottom of the stairs yelling "Mommy...areeee you?" (Instead of "where are you?")  I feel so bad but I don't want to get them sick.  And I brought home hospital masks to try and contain my germs.


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