Wednesday, February 27, 2013

She's Sexy and She Knows It!

Even with her baster!!

Show it off, Gracie Girl!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Catching Flies...

Poor Gracie was REALLY tired this particular night...


Monday, February 25, 2013

Gang Time?

My kids have apparently formed their own's their "sign"...


Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Friday!


Caught with my phone in my hand, surprise surprise...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Maxin' & Relaxin'


My Lil Bunny...



Handsome Beast...

A little Hurley handsome beast...

It's tiring for him sleeping all day on the bed or in the closet.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sitting Up!

Again, this is so late but here are pics of Gracie the first time she was sitting up on her 2+++ months ago!



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PH12: The Next Generation

These are from December...our delayed Friend's Thanksgiving that turned into the Holiday HOE-down...our kids are so stinkin cute.  So here you have it, THE NEXT GENERATION...


Monday, February 18, 2013

Safety First...OR Something?!

Hey, does this look safe to you?!


How about this?

Or this?


Or even this?


The rockers have been officially retired.


Saturday, February 16, 2013


Well hello,

Happy Saturday.  And I say "happy" because I think I am starting to turn the corner and feel better.  My cold symptoms are improving; unfortunately I'm still having some aches/pains and nausea but hey, I'll take what I can get.

So after Wednesday's ER trip...yesterday/Friday I got about 5 calls from my primary care Doctors office, so I finally answered.  They were calling because they got my labwork sent over from the hospital and it was so "off" from the labwork they had done in their office less than 2 weeks prior that they thought it was a mistake.  GREAT.  How reassuring.  SO - they needed me to come in today during Urgent Care hours to get a full panel of bloodwork done, including rechecking for anemia, and see the Urgent Care Doctor.  Let the good times roll.

I already had a couple of good bruises from my previous ER visits, and this morning it took 3 tries to get the blood they needed.  #pincushion

I explained EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG again in detail to this doctor...he concluded that YES, it did sound in fact like a virus.  UGH.  And part of my bloodwork was run stat so he had my hematocrit results and I AM anemic.  A couple of weeks ago it was 36; Wednesday is was 25; today it was up to 30.  So basically AGAIN...I was told to ride out the storm and follow up with my primary care.  He did switch my nausea meds from Zofran...which does nothing but make me more Compezine, which is what I had with both my pregnancies and actually works for me.  The Zofran has done nothing but make me more nauseous - the IV version I'm OK with but the pills...barf city.

Taking advantage of my last weekend on "bedrest" with the hubby home and then will slowly get back into action on Monday and get back to normal...I HOPE.

Pleaseeeeeeeeee, just no more needles or hospitals!!!


Friday, February 15, 2013