Monday, April 18, 2011

Nine Month Update...

I can't believe my little man is NINE MONTHS OLD!  He is the happiest, funniest, cutest little guy in the world!  He has THE BEST personality and he is SO happy!  When he gets really excited...which is a lot...his arms start flapping like a bird.  He has the best smile & laugh, and he otherwise has a pretty calm temperment...which clearly DOES NOT come from me so he takes after Daddy in that department! ;)  He is SO MUCH FUN!!!

*Hanging out...

 *A funny face & hanging with Daddy...

*Wearing Daddy's hat...then Grampy's hat...

He's changing so much!  He is 'talking' up a storm.  He developed this funny grunt when we got back from vacation, and he has this really high pitched scream he does when he gets excited or when he wants your attention.  He's also jibber-jabbering away...lots of mamama's, dadada's, and bababa's.  I would love to think he's saying "Mama" and "Dada" but we aren't quite there yet.  He's making lots of different sounds though!

He's got quite the set of chompers and is eating lots of goodies...lots of fruits & veggies, as well as proteins.  His two bottom teeth are all the way in, and on top he's got two middle teeth and both eye teeth coming in. 

*Eating & playing with some banana...

He'll try to imitate some things we do.  We'll blow in his face and he's working on blowing back at us but it's this funny spitting thing for now.  He's waving, but it's he kind of waves at himself with his hands in front of his mouth.  He loves to clap!  He also nods like he's saying 'yes' but he doesn't know or associate it with what it means yet.  It's pretty funny though - in his high chair he'll just nod his head and bang it on the back of the seat, or when he's on his belly he'll look up at you and just nod his head up & down.  We're working on 'high five' as well as some baby sign language - we're working on "more," "eat," "bottle," and "all done."

*Clapping away in some new PJ's...

He's getting much stronger and will scoot himself around when he's on his belly.  He can get up on his hands and knees and will rock there, but hasn't figured out how to crawl or move forward yet.  He can stand up when leaning on something, or if you give him a little support and hold his hands.  It will be no time before he's moving and grooving all over this place - and them we're REALLY in trouble!!!  I also bought a new little play mat so he has a somewhat cushioned area in the living room where he can play, roll around, and work on crawling.

*Playing outside with his big cousins ~ he wanted to chew sticks but was distracted by Mum-Mums and the first aid kit... 

*Quality time with his big brother...

*Checking out the view...

His nine month check-up is next week so Ican't wait to see how much he's grown!  We love you Baby B!!


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