Thursday, February 14, 2013

Back to the ER...

So Monday I told you about my not-so-fun-day....

Mums been coming over to take care of kids this week - thank god for Mal, she's literally saved the day!!!!!!!  I've been confined to my bedroom since last Friday night.  Yesterday I still wasn't feeling better so I called my Dr. She wanted me to come in last night and from the time I hung up the phone I took a puke pill, had some soup, barfed it up, and was continuing to have dizzy & sweating spells. Called them back and they recommended NOT going back to ER, uh OK, but waiting for my Drs appointment at 5:45PM. Well I had missed a call from ER (that fortunately Mum heard on the home machine) where they said some bacteria came back on one of my cultures and they wanted me back in, so it worked out - bc doc can't do anything but at least at ER they can give me fluids to help. So Mum stayed with kids and Diane took me back to ER yesterday around 11AM. Test showed staph on my culture. But Dr looked at my throat and it wasn't bad enough to be a staph infection; so they said it just showed up bc I'm a "carrier." So another bag of fluids, heavier dose of nausea meds bc I was still puking in the waiting room, oral & IV pain meds, and chest xrays; 6 hours later they decided I was OK to go but bc everything came back normal except my bloodwork now shows I'm anemic. SO I left with more scripts and short course of antibiotics that may or may not help bc its viral not bacterial. AND I have to go for a follow up w/my DR in a couple of weeks to get my bloodwork checked for the anemia (somehow when they did a full blood panel at my Drs less than 2 weeks ago the only thing that was low was my D....but within this short time I've become anemic?).  Of course upon calling my Doctor on the way home or ask for labwork, to make things difficult they will not just order labwork - even though there are orders from the ER doctor himself - I need to go see my Doctor, AGAIN.  Useless.  I need a new primary care.  So that's the story - ultimately a BAD virus and upper respiratory infection.

Thank god for all of Mum's help, and for Auntie Diane yesterday picking me up and spending over 6 hours in the ER with me.  Mum's back today to take care of the kids while I'm on DAY 7 IN BED.  Tomorrow they are going to art class with DeDe, Auntie Kristin, Ty, and Ava, and will spend the day with them.  I plan to just rest and stay in bed as much as I can and by next week I should be feeling better. RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!!!  I HAVE TO!!!!  Been so bad and feeling so guilty bc I can't take care of the kids & I am so afraid of getting them sick - and YES, I totally have a SARS mask every time I leave my bedroom or am around anyone.  And I'm still so paranoid to even touch the kids.

I apologize because I wanted to post some cute pics of the kids in their Valentine's Day attire today; but that won't work because even with my SARS mask on I can't touch them.  So next week you'll get some cute belated Valentine's Day pics of my babies.

So that's the latest, I'm on enough pills for an 80-year-old, have the diet of a 1-year-old, and am bedridden.  FUN!

Thanks for everyones well wishes on text, phone, email.  XO


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