Tuesday, July 17, 2012


TODAY MY BABY BOY IS TWO YEARS OLD!!!  Where did the time go?!

I SAID TWO YEARS OLD!!!!  WAHHHHHHH (the sound of me crying...)!  Here is my lil man at 2 YEARS OLD...tinkering and not wanting to sit still for me...

So I tried to get him to show Sissy his car...

My Dearest Bentley,
*I love that you are a rockstar sleeper.  If there was a sleep competition, you would crush it.
*I love that when you wake up in the morning you yell "HIIIII, HEYYYY, HIIII...MOMMA?!?!"
*I love listening to you talk to yourself in your crib and say things like "Down, downnnn" and "Binkyyyyyyy."
*I love that you are getting to be such a big boy that you voluntarily leave your allotted 2 binkies in your crib.
*I love that while I am writing this you just pointed to my zit and said "Boo Boo."
*I love that you are a carb loader like your Momma.  And you love popcorn like Dada.
*I love the pitter patter of your bare feet on my floors.
*I love that you love to color and already seem to have a creative gene like me.
*I love that you are obsessed with phones, computers, remotes, buttons.
*I love when you fall asleep in your carseat and when I carry you inside you wrap your arms around me and put your head on my shoulder; and when you do the same to Daddy when you are tired and he carries you upstairs to bed.
*I love that you finally started saying "Momma" after almost two years ~ but I LOVE that you are such a Daddy's boy and get SO EXCITED to see him.
*I love that you are talking up a storm and say almost everything twice..."try try" "help help"...and that you repeated "Hurley" 14 times (literally) in a row the other day.  And now you want to try EVERYTHING and say "try dat."
*I love that you point out every car EVERYWHERE, ALL OF THE TIME.  It drives Daddy nuts.
*I love that you want to use silverware to eat now.
*I love that you are learning your manners and without asking say "Tank You" when I pour your milk or "Bless You" when Sissy sneezes.
*I love that you are a dog lover and always ask for Hurley in your adorable voice; and that you like to pet him and try to give him kisses; and say things like "Hi Hur-teyyyyy."
*I love that now you like to wear hats because you've seen that Daddy wears them; and you put them on either crooked or so low that you can't see.
*I love that everything is "Mine mine."
*I love that your new word is "truck-car"...whatever that is...
*I love that you are an amazing big brother.  You are always aware of where "Sissy" is and ask for "Gracie"; you bring her her binky; you ask to "Help" with her bottle and hold it for her; you bring her blankies; and you put your finger to your mouth and say "Shhhhhh..." when she is upset.
*I love that you are Mommy's helper.  You always ask to "Help" ~ like when I was washing the windows and mirror the other day.  When the cleaning lady is here you follow around the vacuum. When I use the dust buster you have to help and clean my floors for me.  You like to pick up your toys and books and put your shoes "Back" where they go in the mudroom.  You notice the littlest specks of dust and pick them up for me, and if something spills...even the smallest drop...you always say "Uh Oh."  And you put things in the "trash."
*I love that you are the SWEETEST AND KINDEST boy.  Not only do you always give Mommy & Daddy kisses goodnight, or whenever we ask...but out of nowhere you will smack your lips and come over to me looking for a kiss or ask me to come "Up" on the couch just to give me a hug.
*I LOVE your laugh.  It is infectious. 
*I love the way you 'run' ~ I guess it's technically a run/walk or a skip though. ;)
*I love that you (mostly) listen to what we ask and understand everything we say.  Except for when Momma said "dick" the other day and you started repeating it. ;)
*I love that you love your family already and ask for your Grandparents by name ~ whether its randomly chanting "Dup Dup" or yelling "Gampyyyyyyyyyy" at every silver car that comes down the road.
*I love that to make your presence known in a room you always say "Hi" over and over. 

Love you always, Buddy...

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