Sunday, May 1, 2011


NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!  So this morning I'm getting Bentley into his Sunday best for his lil buddy's Baptism...his brand new little khakis and white/gray plaid button down (similar to Daddy's get-up)...

I decided to give his nails a quick clip just before we left.  Friday I clipped his toenails and the stupid clippers fell apart; I picked up a new set so I could clip those daggers on his hands.  One hand...DONE.  Second hand...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  I clipped the end of his fingerrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!  Now I'm not talking clipped his nail too low...I CLIPPED THE FREAKIN' SKIN AND EVERYTHING.  Blood.  Yelling.  Tears (from both of us).  Thank God Chris just walked in from the store because I PANICKED.  I am clearly not good in a crisis (and this wasn't even a real crisis but my baby was bleeding so it sure felt like one to me!!).  I freaked out and thankfully my level-headed husband took the reigns...while I just stood there crying and pacing around, thinking we needed to go get stitches or that he was going to have some deformed finger now.  Good ol' lifeguard Daddy knew just what to do and fixed the boo-boo.  He rinsed it off and bandaged it up.  Bentley was fine, it was just the initial OUCH that scared him.  I, however, was a mess.  He was very curious about this bandage 'thing' on his finger and kept trying to chew it off.

When we reached the restaurant post-Baptism and Bentley had been sitting in his high-chair with his buddy Lucas for a bit, Chris looked at me and asked where his bandaid was?!!  AGAIN, PANIC!!!!  We figured that he must have eaten it because it was NOWHERE to be found and he had been eating some puffs.  Fortunately it was a teeny fingertip bandaid, and my fellow Mom friend assured me that her son had also eaten a bandaid once. ;)  (Now I just have to keep an eye out for it on the other end to see if it comes out...) The next hour consisted of a bleeding finger and no less than 4 bandaid replacements because he kept getting them off.  Blood all over his new clothes, his burp cloth, bib, high-chair cover, and the table cloth... 

WAY TO GO ME!!  I am certainly NOT up for Mom of the Year!!  I'm sorry buddy. :(


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